TADHAMUN تـضـامـن

Tadhamun (solidarity) is an Iraqi women organization, standing by Iraqi women's struggle against sectarian politics in Iraq. Fighting for equal citizenship across ethnicities and religions, for human rights, and gender equality.

جمعية تضامن تدعم المساواة في المواطنة بغض النظر عن الأنتماء الأثني أو الديني وتسعى من أجل العدالة الأجتماعية و حماية حقوق الأنسان في العراق

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Iraq is quickly deteriorating. Human Rights Defenders are at risk!

The Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative (ICSSI)
Rome - April 2014
The Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative (ICSSI) calls for the Special Rapporteur of the United Nations on the situation of human rights defenders and the Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and _expression_, to visit Iraq on an urgent basis and as a preliminary step to provide protection for human rights defenders (HRDs) and journalists in particular.
The initiative calls for the Iraqi government to shoulder its responsibility in protecting HRDs, and to start by issuing strict instructions to the security forces and personal guards of public officials: they must not intimidate journalists and HRDs or prevent them from performing their duties. The government should end the impunity of militias who are responsible for violations of freedom of _expression_, and should provide protection to defenders and journalists targeted by outlaw armed groups.
This statement comes as a reaction to the continuing deterioration in the situation of HRDs in Iraq, where in March of this year at least three journalists have been killed and others have been beaten and insulted, while one HRD has been arrested in Erbil. We refer here to documented cases of violations directed to HRDs and journalists but many other violations occurred in the same month, that we could not record or prove. We denounce and condemn the following facts:
  • the radio journalist Mohamed Bedaiwi Al-Shammari has been killed by elements of the special protection of the Iraqi Presidency;
  • the journalist and caricature painter Ahmed Al-Rubaie died after escaping from Baghdad, where he had been threatened and terrorized by groups that claimed his life;
  • the journalist Wathiq al-Ghadhanfari has been killed in Mosul by an armed group;
  • the HRD Shwan Taha has been arrested by the authorities in Erbil after he expressed criticisms on the lack of independency of the judiciary system in Kurdistan.

  1. 1.      Murdered in daylight by a security officer
One of the officers of the Presidential Protection Guard in Baghdad beat and then shot and killed the journalist Mohammed Bedaiwi Al-Shammari, Director of Radio Free Iraq in Baghdad. The journalist has been assaulted in the daylight and in front of witnesses. The Iraqi government arrested the killer and sent him to trial, but according to Iraqi observers this institutional reaction needs to be followed by tight observation and guidance of all security and military agencies, as attacks against civilians in general and against journalists in particular constantly happen in various parts of Iraq.
The Press Freedom Advocacy Association commented the incident stating: "Some elements of security guards are turning into outlaw militias that assault and beat civilians with impunity". The Civil Development Organization in Sulaymaniyah (CDO) underlined that punishing the attacker is an urgent need, and rejected the attempt by some to politicize the incident, associating the crime to the Kurdish identity of the guard who was an element of the Kurdish Peshmerga before turning to presidential protection. According to CDO, this particular should not turn attention away from the real problem, which is that journalists and HRDs in Iraq are at risk and not protected, all over the country.
This criminal act draws attention again to the violent behavior of Iraqi security and protection forces towards civilian population, after the killing of Karbala Sports Club coach Mohammed Abbas. He died after being severely beaten by members of the Iraqi Special Forces in a stadium while he was trying to prevent them from attacking civilians in the audience in June 2013.
The ICSSI calls on Iraqi authorities to issue tight instructions to all security forces and protection guards to respect civilians in general, and journalists and HRDs in particular, as a major step to ensure the respect of human rights and the safety of Iraqi people.
  1. 2.      When threats and terror lead to death
Iraqi journalists are exposed to multiple risks, they are constantly afraid of being targeted because of their investigative work, or because of their publications. Day after day, threats come from different factions. They may be armed groups suspected of being linked with Al-Qaeda, armed militias operating under the protection of influential parties or directly of governmental authorities, personal security guards of Iraqi politicians or the Iraqi security forces..
The latest victim of multiple targeting was the journalist Wathiq al-Ghadhanfari, director of the Media Office within Nineveh Governor Office, who has been assassinated in the city of Mosul by unidentified gunmen. Instead, the caricature painter and Iraqi journalist Ahmed Al-Rubaie died in Erbil due to quick deterioration of his health, after escaping from the threats and persecution by a well-known militia in Baghdad. The leaders of this militia and some Iraqi politicians threatened him with death for publishing a portrait of the Supreme Leader Of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Khamenei. The Press Freedom Advocacy Association in a statement on Al-Rubaie's death considered it a murder, and declared that the Iraqi government should prosecute those responsible for his death, as they threatened Al-Rubaie publicly, and terrorized journalists of newspaper who published his caricature, adding threats to their families.

The ICSSI demands the Iraqi government to identify and prosecute those responsible for terrorizing Iraqi Journalists, in any province of Iraq, as an essential step to combat restrictions to freedom of _expression_.
  1. 3.      Kurdistan, the judiciary system against freedom of _expression_
The human rights activist and HRD Shwan Saber has been arrested in the city of Erbil, the capital of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq in early March, after criticizing the judiciary in Kurdistan and its lack of independence from the government. Many hoped that the judiciary of Kurdistan would be a model of independency not only for Iraq but for the entire region, and that it would respect those defending this reputation. Instead, public authorities arrested Saber because of his views, and detained him in Erbil prison. Iraqi and Kurdish organizations condemned this act and demanded the immediate release of the HRD, while a number of civil society activists demonstrated in Erbil in front of the headquarters of the judiciary, claiming for his freedom. He has been released on bail but charges against him have not been dropped hence he might be prosecuted, which is a clear violation of freedom of _expression_ according to international law and the Iraqi constitution.
The ICSSI calls for the Kurdistan Regional Government and the Council of the Judiciary of Kurdistan, to drop all charges against the HRD Shwan Saber, as an essential step towards ensuring freedom of _expression_ in Kurdistan.

For more information, please write to the following address: icssi.baghdad@gmail.com
Or contact the phone number: +39 3291345117
And visit the website in Arabic: http://www.almubadarairaq.org/
In English: http://www.iraqicivilsociety.org/
And Social networking page: https://www.facebook.com/solidarityinitiative.icss

اوضاع المدافعين عن حقوق الانسان و حرية التعبير في العراق تتدهور بشكل سريع ومخيف !

مبادرة التضامن مع المجتمع المدني العراقي (ICSSI
روما – ابريل 2014
تطالب مبادرة التضامن مع المجتمع المدني العراقي (ICSSI)، المقرر الخاص التابع للأمم المتحدة والمعني بالمدافعين عن حقوق الانسان والمقرر  المعني بحرية ألتعبير، لزيارة العراق بشكل عاجل وكخطوة اولية لتوفير حماية للمدافعيبن عن حقوق الانسان و للصحفيين منهم بشكل خاص.
فيما تطالب المبادرة الحكومة العراقية بتحمل مسؤوليتها بحماية المدافعين عن حقوق الانسان وخصوصا عبر اصدار تعليمات مشددة للقوات الامنية و خوصا تلك المناط بها حماية المسؤولين العراقيين، بعدم التعرض للصحفيين والمدافعين عن حقوق الانسان وعدم منعهم من اداء واجبهم. وعن طريق رفع الحصانة عن المليشيات المسؤولة عن مصادرة حرية التعبير، ومكافحة الافلات من العقاب و توفير حماية للمدافعين وللصحفيين المستهدفين من قبل المجاميع المسلحة الخارجة عن القانون.

وتأتي هذه المطالبات على ضوء التدهور المستمر في حالة المدافعين عن حقوق الانسان في العراق ، ففي شهر اذار من العام الحالي سجل العراق مقتل ثلاثة صحفيين على الاقل وتعرض عدد اخر للضرب والإهانة فيما تم اعتقا

Petition sign and circulate:

Release Iraqi women hostages, victims of terrorism themselves

بعيدا عن الوطن؛ حراك التضامن مع الوطن فنا، شعرا وكتابةً
Away from Home; Memory, Art and women solidarity: you are invited to an evening of poetry and music 22/3/2017 18:30 at P21 Gallery London click here for more details
Public meeting at The Bolivar Hall, London Sat.14/5/2016 at 15:00 IDPs : Fragmentation of Cultural and National Identity


Protest the suffering of Iraqi Christians: No to terrorism No to state terrorism.Hands off our minorities. Hands off our people. Shame on the human rights violators on all sides. Assemble 11:30 on 28/7/14 near Parliament Square, near Westminister tube station London. For more past events click here


Useful links

Halt All Executions! Abolish The Death Penalty!

We women of Tadhamun condemn the persisting practice of arbitrary arrests by the Iraqi security forces. We condemn their arrests of women in lieu of their men folk. These are 'inherited' practices. We are alarmed by credible media reports of the Green Zone government’s intentions of executing hundreds of Iraqi men and women.

For more info click here

Professor Zaineb Al Bahrani of Columbia University NY speaking at a our meeting on the destruction/damage to historical sites in Iraq

On youtube: Part1
Part 3
One more video:

Human Rights Watch: No woman is Safe


Articles published on this site do not necessarily reflect the opinion of WSIUI or its members

المقالات المنشورة على هذا الموقع لا تعكس بالضرورة آراء منظمتنا أو أعضاء منظمتنا

Samarra Minrate built in 852 AD

Samarra Minrate built in 852 AD
Building of 1 500 massive police station !
From the angle of the photo, it is possible to calculate that the complex is being built at E 396388 N 3785995 (UTM Zone 38 North) or Lat. 34.209760° Long. 43.875325°, to the west of the Malwiya (Spiral Minaret), and behind the Spiral Cafe.
While the point itself may not have more than Abbasid houses under the ground, it is adjacent to the palace of Sur Isa, the remains of which can be seen in the photo. While the initial construction might or might not touch the palace, accompanying activities will certainly spread over it.Sur Isa can be identified with the palace of al-Burj, built by the
Abbasid Caliph al-Mutawakkil, probably in 852-3 (Northedge, Historical Topography of Samarra, pp 125-127, 240). The palace is said to have cost 33 million dirhams, and was luxurious. Details are given by al-Shabushti, Kitab al-Diyarat.
Samarra was declared a World Heritage site by UNESCO at the end of June. The barracks could easily have been built elsewhere, off the archaeological site.--
Alastair Northedge Professeur d'Art et d'Archeologie Islamiques UFR d'Art et d'Archeologie
Universite de Paris I (Pantheon-Sorbonne) 3, rue Michelet, 75006 Paris
tel. 01 53 73 71 08 telecopie : 01 53 73 71 13 Email :
Alastair.Northedge@univ-paris1.fr ou anorthedge@wanadoo.fr