This is an important study of 73 pages, of the proposed security agreement between US and the Iraqi Government, by the prominent Iraqi commentator and oil expert, Fouad Qasim Al-Amir. The author has published several important studies on the subject of occupied Iraq, mainly on the oil question in Iraq and of the subject of world energy.
Mr Al-Amir starts his study by alluding to the fact that despite the importance of the US-Iraqi agreement there is almost complete absence of official details of the proposed agreement, with the result that the author had to base his analysis and conclusions, on what has been leaked by the press and the incomplete and misleading pronouncements of US and Iraqi officials.
However, the author’s unique knowledge of the country, of the oil problem and his contacts with those interested in the Iraqi affairs, compensates some of the gaps in the closely guarded subject.
He discussed, in several chapters, the relevance of Section 7, of the UN charter to Iraq, both during Iraq’s occupation of Kuwait, and that of the US, of Iraq. One of the main themes in this regards is US posture to claim that it is making a favour to Iraq by felicitating its release from the restrictions of Section 7, by Iraq signing the proposed Security Agreement. He showed that those restrictions of UN Resolution 1483, on 22 May, 2003, had been placed to define, and restrict, the US unlawful occupation of Iraq which is a victim of unlawful occupation. The author points out in many places in the study, that it is the US who is the restricted party by Section7, not Iraq.
Then the study points out the US attempt to mislead Iraqi and international public opinion in mixing-up the case of Saddam’s occupation of Kuwait in 1990, with that of US of Iraq. Here US logic turns the victim into an aggressor, and vice versa.
Towards the end of the study the author refers to the probability of US attacking Iran in the hope of escaping its failure in Iraq and the region. Mr Al-Amir warns of the serious consequences of such action and its probable results. After this the author discusses the role of the Kurdish parties, their shaky position, and the attitude of its leaders towards the situation in Iraq and the proposed US-Iraq agreement.
This Study should be read by all those interested in fate of Iraq, the region and the world.
Al-Amir US-Iraq Agreement Study (Arabic)