TADHAMUN تـضـامـن

Tadhamun (solidarity) is an Iraqi women organization, standing by Iraqi women's struggle against sectarian politics in Iraq. Fighting for equal citizenship across ethnicities and religions, for human rights, and gender equality.

جمعية تضامن تدعم المساواة في المواطنة بغض النظر عن الأنتماء الأثني أو الديني وتسعى من أجل العدالة الأجتماعية و حماية حقوق الأنسان في العراق

Friday, March 20, 2009

Women Will Association statement

The appalling suffering of Maha (15) and Abeer(14) and their subsequent death, exposed the immorality of the occupiers and their stooges, and made it clear for all who can see that ending this occupation by all means is the only viable choice for the Iraqi people.
These deeds exposed Bremmer’s freedom for the bad joke it is.
The violation of Abeer , Maha and Nour is the essence of the occupation and its real ugly face. The Anglo American project in Iraq assisted by Israel has been defeated morally, economically and militarily.
This monstrous occupation project has unmasked its stooges as corrupt opportunists and traitors. Nour emerged from her Abu Ghraib incarceration victorious and the traitors failed to hide behind the fig leaf of Bremmer’s democracy.

Nour’s call from her prison cell for Abu Ghraib to be attacked was answered. Her courage to speak up about the rife practice of rape within the prison, was like the marksman’s signal for the rise in the resistance to the occupation.

The freedom loving Iraqi woman knows too well, that she has no choice but to support the resistance and be part of it. She knows her path is hard and ragged and she is determined to follow it till the end. She is not fooled by the empty rhetoric of the political process players (both men and women) in the Green Zone. She is not confused by their attempts to muddy the water and turn all sacred values upside down.

She is aware that her own emancipation being inter linked with the freedom of her country. Iraqi women have resisted the occupation and many have paid the ultimate price.
In the name of Abeer, Maha, Nour, Jamila, Menal and Haifa and all the women who stood up to this occupation.

In the name of Iraq’s free women, the makers of life, dignity and freedom, we in WWA declare that we will commemorate the 20th March of every year as the day of the martyred Iraqi woman.

This is the day the US/UK and Israel launched their dirty war on the Iraqi people. It is the day, the Iraqi people said their piece loud and clear, rejecting the occupation and its plans. It is the day Iraqis started to resist the hordes of the invaders. It is the day the Iraqi people joined humanity in its struggle for freedom for the whole world.
We therefore call on all patriotic Iraqis to support our declaration and consider the 20th March a day that symbolises our struggle for an independent and unified Iraq.

Women Will Association
19th March 2009
Occupied Iraq

(*) Abeer Qassim Hamza gang raped by US marines in Mahmoudiya March 2006, Maha gang raped by government backed militia in front of her family then kidnapped presumed dead Dec 2006, Nour sent a letter from inside abuGhraib (mentioned in the Guardian newspaper), calling on the resistance to bomb the prison Jan 2004. Jamila, Kidnapped and imprisoned with her daughter. She was subjected to systematic torture and beating, she spoke about it at the WSF in Nairobi.

20 آذار
يوم شهيدات العراق

بالبراءة وصفاء الأحلام البكر طهرت الطفلة عبير والطفلة مها مسار الأحرار نحو الهدف استشهدتا ووقع فعل العار على مشروع الغاصب المحتل وتابعيه , عار لن تغسله " نكتة " الديمقراطية والحرية المزعومتين , فقد سقط المشروع الامبريالي الصهيوني أخلاقياً واقتصاديا وعسكرياً , كاشفاً عورة أصحاب المشروع ومن بايعوه . وبالصلابة انتصرت نور من خَلف قضبان معتقلات الغزاة ولم يفلح الأتباع في تغطية وجوههم بورقة التوت التي استحت أن تستر عارهم , وهَبّ الأحرار يثأرون لنور وما مثلته نور في ضمائرنا. أما الحرة العراقية التي أدركت مشروعها التحرري وقبضت عليه كالقبض على الجمر, فلم تأبه لوعورة الطريق , وتداخل المسالك , ولم تسقط في متاهة مشاريع العدو , ولا في فخاخ الشعارات المزيفة حول مفهوم" الحرية " وفضحت زور " اللعبة الديمقراطية " واللاعبات واللاعبين على حقوق الإنسان والصمت الذي لفهن ولفهم إزاء الانتهاكات والعنف ضد المرأة والأسرة والمجتمع إذ مارسها الاحتلال وأتباعه كجرائم فاضحة ضد الإنسانية .
باسم عبير ومها ونور وجميلة ومنال وهيفاء وجميع نسائنا اللواتي تطاولن على الغاصب أما بالشهادة أو بالصبر على وعورة طريق النضال . باسم المرأة الحرة في العراق صانعة الحياة والحرية والكرامة والمصير باسم الكريمات الكريمات وقد سقين بدمائهن الطاهرة أرضنا الطاهرة تعلن هيئة إرادة المرأة في العراق الأسير احتفائها بيوم الشهيدات في 20 آذار من كل عام وهو اليوم الذي أخطأت فيه الولايات المتحدة الأميركية خطأً تاريخيا عندما سوغت لنفسها غزو العراق بالتحالف مع المعسكر الامبريالي الصهيوني . انه اليوم الذي ردت فيه نساؤنا على الغزاة باحتضان العراق وإعادة ولادته مشروع حرية للعالمين . . .وعليه تدعو الهيئة الحركة الوطنية العراقية إلى اعتبار هذا اليوم يوما وطنيا نحتفي فيه بذكرى شهيداتنا عنوانا ودربا نحو عراق حر مستقل واحد موحد.

حرر في 19 آذار
من عام 2009

Petition sign and circulate:

Release Iraqi women hostages, victims of terrorism themselves

بعيدا عن الوطن؛ حراك التضامن مع الوطن فنا، شعرا وكتابةً
Away from Home; Memory, Art and women solidarity: you are invited to an evening of poetry and music 22/3/2017 18:30 at P21 Gallery London click here for more details
Public meeting at The Bolivar Hall, London Sat.14/5/2016 at 15:00 IDPs : Fragmentation of Cultural and National Identity


Protest the suffering of Iraqi Christians: No to terrorism No to state terrorism.Hands off our minorities. Hands off our people. Shame on the human rights violators on all sides. Assemble 11:30 on 28/7/14 near Parliament Square, near Westminister tube station London. For more past events click here


Useful links

Halt All Executions! Abolish The Death Penalty!

We women of Tadhamun condemn the persisting practice of arbitrary arrests by the Iraqi security forces. We condemn their arrests of women in lieu of their men folk. These are 'inherited' practices. We are alarmed by credible media reports of the Green Zone government’s intentions of executing hundreds of Iraqi men and women.

For more info click here

Professor Zaineb Al Bahrani of Columbia University NY speaking at a our meeting on the destruction/damage to historical sites in Iraq

On youtube: Part1
Part 3
One more video:

Human Rights Watch: No woman is Safe


Articles published on this site do not necessarily reflect the opinion of WSIUI or its members

المقالات المنشورة على هذا الموقع لا تعكس بالضرورة آراء منظمتنا أو أعضاء منظمتنا

Samarra Minrate built in 852 AD

Samarra Minrate built in 852 AD
Building of 1 500 massive police station !
From the angle of the photo, it is possible to calculate that the complex is being built at E 396388 N 3785995 (UTM Zone 38 North) or Lat. 34.209760° Long. 43.875325°, to the west of the Malwiya (Spiral Minaret), and behind the Spiral Cafe.
While the point itself may not have more than Abbasid houses under the ground, it is adjacent to the palace of Sur Isa, the remains of which can be seen in the photo. While the initial construction might or might not touch the palace, accompanying activities will certainly spread over it.Sur Isa can be identified with the palace of al-Burj, built by the
Abbasid Caliph al-Mutawakkil, probably in 852-3 (Northedge, Historical Topography of Samarra, pp 125-127, 240). The palace is said to have cost 33 million dirhams, and was luxurious. Details are given by al-Shabushti, Kitab al-Diyarat.
Samarra was declared a World Heritage site by UNESCO at the end of June. The barracks could easily have been built elsewhere, off the archaeological site.--
Alastair Northedge Professeur d'Art et d'Archeologie Islamiques UFR d'Art et d'Archeologie
Universite de Paris I (Pantheon-Sorbonne) 3, rue Michelet, 75006 Paris
tel. 01 53 73 71 08 telecopie : 01 53 73 71 13 Email :
Alastair.Northedge@univ-paris1.fr ou anorthedge@wanadoo.fr