Anti Oil Law Demonstration in Basra
An eye witness to the demonstration reported the following:The demonstration started at 9:00 am Basra time and was in front of thegovernorate office at 10:00 am. Hundreds of demonstrators carried signsprotesting the oil law, government dictated hikes in oil and gas pricespaid by Iraqis, demanding workers rights, and that the minister of oilresign. It was a peaceful demonstration. They carried a black coffinon which they wrote "Democracy is Dead, No Freedom." A statement fromthe Iraqi Federation of Oil Unions was read by Farj Rbat, the mediaofficer, in the presence on the governorate officials who also read astatement supporting the demands of the demonstrators. Accordingly, aletter will be sent to the prime minister supported with another letterform the governor of Basra. At the same time similar demonstrations tookplace in Amara and Nassiryya . The demonstration lasted for two hours.Media reports follow below.Today hundreds of Iraqis took to the streets of Basra, Iraq, inopposition to the Oil Law that the US government is pressuring the IraqiParliament to pass. Led by the Iraqi Federation of Oil Unions (IFOU),this demonstration charged that the proposed Oil Law surrenders Iraq'seconomic sovereignty to multinational oil companies and demanded thatthe Iraqi Parliament reject the new Oil Law. The people of Iraq are united in opposition to the Oil Law but the IraqiParliament continues to face intense pressure by the Bush Administrationto pass the Oil Law, which would open two thirds of Iraq's oil toforeign control through contracts that could last as long as 30 years. Originally written with the assistance of US officials and contractors,adoption of the law is also one the benchmarks imposed by the US thatthe Iraqis must meet in order to receive continued reconstruction aid. Drop the Benchmark! Take action in solidarity with the people of Iraq!If you live in the United States, please call or write to your electedofficials today ( )and tell them to drop the oil law benchmark and cease all U.S. pressureon the Iraqis to pass the Oil Law. Tell them it is unacceptable thatthe US has any role in determining the future of Iraq's oilindustryespecially when it is being written to primarily benefit UScompanies at a time when the country is under U.S. military occupation. Use this link to email your members of Congress, or you can reach yourmembers by calling the Congressional Switchboard at 202-224-3121 andasking for your member's office. If you are outside of the United States, ask your elected officials toapply international pressure on the U.S. government to stop pressuringthe Iraqis to pass the Oil Law and to Drop The Benchmarks! Wherever you are in the world - Visit! Call! or Write! your electedofficials and let them know that you support protestors in Iraq in theiropposition to the U.S.-imposed Oil Law. The people of Iraq took a bold step today by standing up against USpressure and saying that they will not allow an occupying force stealtheir most valuable natural resource. If the Oil Law is enacted, itsdisastrous effects will be felt for generations to come. We must standwith the Iraqi people and do everything we can to have this law removedfrom the benchmarks and ensure that they will not again be pressured toenact a law that goes against their national well-being. Thank you fortaking action today. For more information on the oil law and an update on its status, read Antonia Juhasz's article, "Benchmark Boogie".
Hundreds of Iraqis protest draft oil law
Hundreds of Iraqis protest draft oil law- video